following list attempts to keep track of military equipment
delivered or pledged to Ukraine by Denmark during the Russian invasion of
Ukraine. The entries below are sorted by armament category (with a flag
denoting the country of origin), and due to the confidential nature of
some arms deliveries they can serve only as a lower bound to the total
volume delivered. This list is updated as further military support is uncovered.
on the equipment type or vehicle to get a picture or source link)
Fighter Aircraft (19)
19 F-16A/Bs [To be delivered from 2024 onwards]
Coastal Defence Missile Systems (CDS) And Missiles
4 AGM-84 Harpoon Coastal Defence Missile Systems [June 2022]
AGM-84 Harpoons [June 2022]
Self-Propelled Artillery (24)
19 155mm Caesar 8x8s [April 2023]
5 (Out Of 16) 155mm ShKH Zuzana 2s [Delivered from July 2023 onwards] (In cooperation with Germany and Norway)
Tanks (85)
33 (Out Of 100) Leopard 1A5s [To be delivered] (In cooperation with Germany and the Netherlands)
7 (Out Of 14) Leopard 2A4s [To be delivered] (In cooperation with the Netherlands)
30 Leopard 1A5s [To be delivered]
15 T-72EAs [To be delivered]
Infantry Fighting Vehicles
''Infantry Fighting Vehicles'' [To be delivered]
Armoured Personnel Carriers (54)
54 M113G3DK/G4DKs [July and August 2022] (M113s taken from Danish stocks and subsequently overhauled with German funding)
Engineering Vehicles And Equipment
Pansret Broslagningsvogn Biber Bridgelayers [2023]
PNINK Wisent 1 Armoured Recovery Vehicles (ARVs) [2023]
Hydrema 910 Mine Clearing Vehicles [2022/2023]
Minerydningsslange M/97 Man-Portable Mine Clearing Charges [Before April 2023]
Mine Flails [2022]
21 Bomb Disposal Robots [2022]
2 Mobile Field Bridges [2022/2023]
Demining Hoses [To be delivered]
2 Toyota Land Cruisers [2022/2023]
Heavy Mortars
Heavy Mortars [2022]
Anti-Aircraft Guns
''Anti-Aircraft Guns'' [To be delivered]
Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS) And Missiles
407 Stinger Missiles [2022] (Delivered along with 330 grip stocks and 810 batteries)
Reconnaissance UAVs
25 Heidruns [April 2022]
Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
Mine-Detecting Underwater Vehicles [2022/2023]
Anti-Drone Radars [2022/2023]
Anti-Tank Weaponry
2700 M72 LAWs [2022]
AT-4s [February 2022]
8000 RPG-7s [2022/2023] (Bought from a third country and delivered to Ukraine)
Pansermine M/56 Anti-Tank Mines [Before February 2023]
Grenade Launchers
40mm Grenade Launchers [To be delivered]
Small Arms
54 12.7mm M2 Heavy Machine Guns [July and August 2022] (For M113G3DK/G4DK APCs)
7.62mm Light Machine Guns [2023]
Pistols [To be delivered]
19.000+ 155mm Artillery Rounds (For the Towed Artillery And SPGs) [2022 and 2023] (In cooperation with Norway)
120mm BGR M/50 Mortar Rounds [Before August 2022]
6685 Rounds For The 84mm Carl Gustaf Recoilless Rifle [Since late 2022 or early 2023]
29.000 Rounds Of RPG-7 Ammunition [2022/2023] (Bought from a third country and delivered to Ukraine)
5.56mm Ammunition For Small Arms [2022]
Hand Grenades [To be delivered]
40mm Ammunition For Grenade Launchers [To be delivered]
Large Amount Of 105mm Rounds For Leopard 1A5 MBT [To be delivered]
Large Amount Of 125mm Rounds For T-72EA MBT [To be delivered]
Military Clothing And Gear
1300 Night-Vision Goggles [2022/2023]
Thermal Binoculars [To be delivered]
500 Lightweight CBRN Protective Suits [2022/2023]
3000 Protective Vests [2022/2023]
2000 Pieces Of Protective Equipment [2022/2023]
3000 Sleeping Bags [2022/2023]
3000 Sleeping Mats [2022/2023]
532.500 Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) [2022/2023]
2200 First Aid Bags [2022/2023]
11.000 Compress Dressings [2022/2023]
15.000 Sets Of Rain Gear [2022/2023]
8000 Hats [2022/2023]
5000 Heat And Release Gloves [2022/2023]
Miscellaneous Equipment
15 Mobile Workshops For The Repair Of Large Vehicles [2022/2023]
Spare Parts For The Caesar SPG [2023]
Spare Parts For The M109 SPG [2022/2023]
1 Field Hospital [2022/2023]
10 Forward Areomedical Evacuation Kits [To be delivered]
1 Tent Camp For 320 People [2022/2023]
6 Hangar Tents [2022/2023]
Camouflage Nets [To be delivered]
96 Living Containers [2022/2023]
15 Military (Hardened) Generators [2022/2023]
12 Electric Generators [2022/2023]
3 Radio Transmitters (AM) [2022/2023]
4 Fire Extinguishing Modules [2022/2023]
2 Breach Packs [2022/2023]
20 Heat Torches [2022/2023]
10 Hand-Held Chemical Detectors [2022/2023]
Medical Equipment [2022/2023]
9750 Tonnes Of Diesel Fuel [2022/2023]
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